Frequently Asked Questions for the

Introduction to Bhagavad Gita course

1. Class timings in various timezones

What are the timings of the class?

The class will be held on Fridays, 6:30-8:30 PM Pacific time. This is the main class time which will include instruction time as well as Q&A time.

This translates to the following times in other locations/timezones:

Fridays, 9:30-11:30 PM Eastern time (USA)

Saturdays, 7-9 AM - India time

Saturdays, 9:30-11:30 AM - Singapore

What is the "Additional Q&A time" for Europe friendly timezone? Are you offering 2 classes at different times?

No, this is not another class time. This additional meeting time will be used only for Q&A purposes for the participants who are unable to attend the main live class due to timezone issues. The participants will watch the recordings of the main classes at their own time and bring their questions to this Q&A session.

It will be held on Saturdays, 10-11 AM Pacific time, which translates to following times in other locations:

Saturdays, 1-2 PM - Eastern time (New York, USA)

Saturdays, 10:30-11:30 PM - India

Saturdays, 6-7 PM - London, UK

Saturdays, 9-10 PM - Dubai, UAE

2. What is the goal / objective of this course?

a. To understand the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna for humanity as He explained to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, and how to apply them practically in our lives.

b. To go through the entire Bhagavad Gita in a systematic manner, covering all 700 verses across all 18 chapters, and understanding the connections between various chapters.

3. Is there any cost for attending the course?

All the classes are completely free of cost.

4. Course details

What will be covered in the course?

We will go through the entire Bhagavad Gita, roughly one chapter a week (some chapters will take 2 or more weeks). We will cover all the verses in each chapter, and focus on the meaning and essence of Lord Sri Krishna’s teachings for all of us, and how to apply it in our lives. In the first few weeks, some basic concepts will need to be covered, so the pace might be slower, but we will pick up speed as we move along.

Will the class focus on sloka recitation / sloka memorization?

No. This class is not focussed on either of the above. However, we will provide a list of important slokas that you can memorize and recite on your own. We can suggest a practical method for memorization and recitation for those that may be interested.

Which language will be used in the class?

All classes and discussion will be in English.

Which book / edition will be used?

a. Bhagavad Gita - As It Is, by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

b. Paperback: ISBN 9780892131341

c. Hardcover: ISBN 9780892131235 (preferred)

d. You can obtain it yourself, or from us if you live in Portland, Oregon. Hardcover version is preferred. Our price is Hardcover for $10, and paperback for $5. The entire book is available online as well at But we request everyone to get their own paper-copy.

What will be the format of the class?

a. We will go through the chapter in class in a lecture format (approx 1 hr), breaking the chapter into sections and understanding the flow between verses/chapters.

b. We will start with pre-written questions shared by participants beforehand, followed by open Q&A time (approx 1 hr).

c. To derive maximum benefit, the participants are encouraged to pre-read the chapter, and bring their questions / doubts to class.

d. All classes and discussion will be in English.

e. Classes start on time. Please be punctual.

How much time is devoted to Q&A in the class?

This will depend on the number of questions you bring. The Bhagavad Gita is a very deeply philosophical and theistic text, and an inquisitive student is bound to have many questions. You are encouraged to bring thoughtful / pre-written questions to class. But all questions are welcome. In general we will have a 50-50 split between lecture and Q&A. The instructor will be happy to spend extra time after class for thoughtful questions from inquisitive and dedicated students.

Will there be any homework?

We request everyone to to pre-read the chapter that will be covered in the upcoming week. It is perfectly ok (and almost expected) that you do not understand everything during the pre-reading. But please make an attempt to pre-read the chapter and understand as much as you can. We also request to you please note down your doubts / questions and bring to class.

5. Is there any minimum age limit?

a. Participants must be at least 16 years old.

b. Interested and committed children at least 10 years old are also encouraged, but must be accompanied with a parent at all times in the Zoom session.

6. How can I register for the course?

7. Are the classes recorded?

The classes will be recorded and uploaded on the YouTube channel "Parama Karuna das" -

8. Can I attend the whole course over YouTube at my own time and pace?

Yes, all the recordings of the previous batch (2020) are available on YouTube at this playlist. You can cover the entire Bhagavad Gita in a guided manner by going through all the recordings.

9. Are there other classes offered apart from Introduction to Bhagavad Gita?

Yes, there are Srimad Bhagavatam classes offered every Saturday, 6-7:30 PM Pacific time. Also, there are other miscellaneous classes/workshops offered from time to time. Most of the classes are uploaded on the YouTube channel.

10. Who is the instructor?

The instructor is Purushottam Goel (spiritual name: Parama Karuna das). He is a graduate from IIT Roorkee and is currently working as a Principal Engineer at Intel in Portland, Oregon, USA. He has been teaching classes on Vedic scriptures like Bhagavad Gita for the last 10 years. He is assisted by his wife Gunjan (Damodar Lila dasi) in conducting these classes.